Newest Employee

Newest Employee

We are pleased to welcome Chili to our Minuteman Press Family! Chili is a senior Dachshund who enjoys napping near Michael’s desk and can also be seen curled up on Krista’s lap.

To see more pets in need of a loving home, check

Photo Contest

It’s time to let your creativity shine! We have created a photo contest for our 2011 calendar. Each month of our calendar will feature a photograph from our customers and friends.

Over 2,000 Trees Planted

Over 2,000 Trees Planted

We have planted over 2,000 trees since beginning our partnership with Trees for the Future in September 2009. Keep ordering, and we’ll keep planting!

Enfield Food Shelf Donation

Enfield Food Shelf Donation

To celebrate more than six years in business, Michael and Lindsey gave thanks to the greater Enfield community by making a donation to the Enfield Food Shelf. Their donation was designed to feed six families for one week.

Michael and Lindsey are shown here presenting the check to Linda Bridge, Executive Director of the Enfield Food Shelf.

Over 1,000 Trees Planted

Over 1,000 Trees Planted

We have planted over 1,000 trees since beginning our partnership with Trees for the Future in September 2009. Keep ordering, and we’ll keep planting!