1 Anngina Drive Full Photo Collection

1 Anngina Drive Full Photo Collection

All of the photos taken during construction of our building will be posted here as a complete photo collection.  We will continue to post updates through the website, but this page will hold the full photo collection.

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Minuteman Press buys Precision Camera building in Enfield

Minuteman Press buys Precision Camera building in Enfield

We were recently featured in an article in the Journal Inquirer. You can read the article below.

By Howard French

ENFIELD – Minuteman Press will move into the former Precision Camera and Video Repair building at 1 Anngina Drive by January, Michael Weber, who owns Minuteman Press with his wife, Lindsey, said.

The company bought the 8,150-square-foot industrial building at the corner of Anngina Drive and Moody Road for $382,750 [$382,500], the Sentry Commercial Real Estate services website says.

Minuteman Press is a printing company, now located in smaller, 1,500-square-foot quarters at 57 [54] Hazard Ave., in the Stop & Shop plaza.

Weber said the move will give the company the space to do business the way he and his wife would like.  The seven-person staff may grow by a position or two, he added.

In the current location, the area where engaged couples select wedding invitations is a small space where customers sit “with coffee makers above [copy machines around] their heads,” he said.

At the new building, the wedding invitation are will be a larger, quieter space where invitations can be selected in relative quiet and comfort, Weber said.

The Webers have operated their business at the Hazard Avenue site for 7 1/2 years.

Precision Camera and Video Repair Inc. in May eliminated 115 jobs at its headquarters and said it would close a portion of the three-building operation due to the lingering recession and budgetary constraints.

The company said that Precision Camera will remain based in Enfield and will maintain a major presence there to repair mostly professional grade photo equipment.

Precision Camera operates two large U.S. plants in el Paso, Texas, as well as a third in Chihuahua, Mexico.  the Mexican plant in handles international business in both Mexico and Central America, while the El Paso area facilities handle business in the Western U.S.

We Have Joined Google +

We Have Joined Google +

Google recently opened up their social media service, Google Plus, to businesses.  In order to stay connected with our customers we have created a Google Plus Page.  If you are on Google Plus please connect with us.  We look forward to staying connected with our customers on multiple social media platforms.

Veteran’s Day

Veteran’s Day

On this Veteran’s Day, we extend our sincere appreciation to the men and women who have served in our Armed Forces.

For the month of November, we will provide veterans with FREE fax services to any domestic fax number.  Please spread the word!

We’re Moving…Soon!

We are so excited to announce that we just purchased this building at 1 Anngina Drive in Enfield!  (scroll down for photos)  The space is directly facing Moody Road, right across from Enrico Fermi High School.  We will be expanding into 8000 sq. ft.  and finally able to stretch out a bit!

We will making some modifications over the next few months to suit our needs, and we plan to occupy the space by the New Year!

[cetsEmbedGmap src=http://maps.google.com/maps?q=1+Anngina+Drive,+Enfield,+CT&hl=en&ll=42.001728,-72.537918&spn=0.091847,0.212173&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=37.410045,79.013672&vpsrc=6&hnear=1+Anngina+Dr,+Enfield,+Connecticut+06082&t=m&z=13 width=750 height=425 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 frameborder=0 scrolling=no]

Some initial photos of our new building are listed below.

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