Affiliated Chambers of Commerce of Greater Springfield

Affiliated Chambers of Commerce of Greater Springfield

Affiliated Chambers of Commerce of Greater Springfield (ACCGS) December After 5

Michael took a break from holiday parties to join other area professionals at the ACCGS After 5 at The Lexington Group in West Springfield, MA. Pictured below (l. to r.) are Pam Thornton from United Personnel; Michael Weber; Peter Zurlino from Atlantico Designs; and Lauren Mendoza from United Personnel.

Chicopee Chamber of Commerce Tabletop Showcase

Chicopee Chamber of Commerce Tabletop Showcase

It must be the season for business expos! We have been busy introducing Minuteman Press and making new contacts throughout the region.

Michael and Lindsey are shown here with their display table. They were lucky to set up near Claudine Gaj fromThe Magic Spoon. You can see her on the right side of the picture serving some of her delicious seasonal soup.

Young Professional Society of Greater Springfield

Young Professional Society of Greater Springfield

Young Professional Society of Greater Springfield (YPS) Third Thursday at Hofbrauhaus

Michael attended the YPS Third Thursday at Hofbrauhaus in West Springfield to network with other young professionals from our region. YPS hosts this casual networking event of the third Thursday of each month at different venues in western Massachusetts.

Michael is pictured here with Amanda Huston from Junior Achievement of Western Massachusetts and anotherThird Thursday guest.