Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!



“My idea of Christmas, whether old-fashioned or modern, is very simple: loving others. Come to think of it, why do we have to wait for Christmas to do that?”
~ Bob Hope, American film actor and comedian.


Wishing you all a very merry Christmas and continued peace and joy!

Merry Christmas!

Happy Thanksgiving!



While we are focusing on our travel plans, cooking the perfect turkey, and making sure we have enough pie, we should remember to pause and give thanks for all of the blessings in our lives.

Wishing you a special Thanksgiving day with your families and friends!

Merry Christmas!

Veteran’s Day Appreciation

US-Flag1Thank you to all of the men and women who have served in our armed forces.  We appreciate  your patriotism, dedication, and sacrifices.  Your work has helped to preserve the freedom we enjoy.

Merry Christmas!

Earth Day 2013

Happy Earth Day!

We hope that you will take a moment to reflect on the meaning of Earth Day.  Today, we are more conscious than ever of our impact on the environment.  Earth Day serves as a reminder to look at our actions and see how we can restore or improve our environment.  We applaud our friends and customers who are consciously making changes to reduce their carbon footprint and preserve our planet.

Simple actions can have a lasting effect!

Do we recycle everything we can?
Do we always turn off the lights, lower the thermostat, and reduce our energy consumption?
Do we buy products free from chemicals that will end up on our bodies and ultimately in our water supply?
Do we carpool?
Do we look for products with less packaging material?

Let’s remember that we have a beautiful planet, and let’s work to preserve it!humboldtcounty

Earth Day 2013

Earth Day 2013

EarthAs we prepare to celebrate Earth Day 2013, we are pleased to continue our dialogue with our friends and customers about becoming more environmentally aware.  If we all do our share, we can make a significant impact on improving our environment.   We are proud to share with you the following steps that we take to ensure we’re a “green” print provider:

  •  We have very little paper waste.  Like other manufacturers, we strive to eliminate all waste in our production process.
  • We run a chemical-free shop.  We employ the latest computer-to-plate technology for making printing plates.  This process doesn’t use any chemicals, and the metal plates we create are reusable when a customer reorders a job.
  • Each piece of equipment in our bindery department has a dedicated recycling bin to catch every piece of recyclable paper.  The majority of this paper is the trimmed edges of print jobs that are cut to size.  This paper is too small to reuse, so we recycle it weekly in our separate recycling dumpster.
  • We installed motion sensors on the lights throughout our new building.  We also use programmable thermostats that reduce our energy consumption during off-hours.
  • When we renovated our new building, we re-purposed cabinetry and flooring to reduce our impact on the landfill.
  • Each week, we spend hours on the road delivering print jobs to our customers throughout northern Connecticut and western Massachusetts.  We always arrange these deliveries to reduce the number of miles we drive and our carbon footprint.
  • We offer a large assortment of recycled papers, soy inks, and promotional products from recycled materials.  We also utilize e-mail instead of paper for many customer proofs.  We realize that we play a role in helping you make green decisions.
  • We plant a tree for every invoice, every month.  We partner with Trees for the Future, and we have planted more than 3000 trees so far.  The more printed material we create, the more trees we plant!

Let’s celebrate Earth Day together and remember that we can make a difference!

Happy New Year

Happy New Year


Best wishes for a happy New Year and all the best in 2013!


In observance of the holiday, we will be closed on Monday, December 31st and Tuesday, January 1st.  We will reopen on Wednesday, January 2nd at 8:30 am for business as usual.