Let’s Help the Earth!

Let’s Help the Earth!



In honor of Earth Day on April 22nd, we will be increasing our regular tree planting efforts.  For every invoice we generate in the week leading up to Earth Day, we will double our efforts and plant two trees.

Our commitment to the environment is not something we think about as Earth Day approaches and then forget for another year.  Since 2009, we have planted one tree to represent every invoice we generate.  Every time you order printing, we plant a tree.  We have an ongoing partnership with Trees for the Future to plant and restore trees in the areas of the world with the greatest need.  You can see our history of donations on our website.

Trees are such a simple – and beautiful – way to help our planet and combat the effects of greenhouse gases.  A tree can absorb 48 lbs of carbon dioxide each year.  According to Arbor Environmental Alliance , “An acre of trees absorbs enough CO2 over one year to equal the amount produced by driving a car 26,000 miles.”  Trees also filter pollutants from the air, recharge groundwater and prevent runoff, and create lower temperatures in the area surrounding them.

Trees for the Future has developed the Forest Garden program to plant trees and crops that help people in developing nations.  “Forest Gardens provide families with sustainable food sources, livestock feed, products to sell, fuel wood and up to a 500% increase in their annual income.”

As we celebrate Earth Day this year, we are thankful for the efforts that so many individuals and companies are making to reduce the impact of our society on the environment.  We believe that we can make positive changes to help our planet if we keep working together.


Easter Egg Fun!

Easter Egg Fun!

Happy Easter!

We couldn’t resist sharing these Pantone Easter eggs!  Apartment Therapy always has great ideas and style for the home.  The fact that they’re sharing a Pantone idea makes the printer in us smile.

For the tutorial, visit this link at Apartment Therapy.

(Pantone is the industry standard in ink color, and printers and designers use the Pantone matching system.)

Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day greetings are a nice distraction from the cold, blustery weather of February.  But do you know where these messages of love and friendship originated?

The earliest Valentine cards date back to the 1400s in Europe.  Later, in the Victorian era, these love notes grew into large handmade, hand printed cards.  Victorian cards like the one shown below were expensive to produce.Victorian-card

In 1847, Esther Howland from Worcester, MA developed the Valentine greeting industry here in the United States.  She started with a small, homemade card business which she named The New England Valentine Company.  Orders flooded in, Esther set up an assembly line, and she eventually earned revenues of $100,000 per year.howland-800dpi-25pct-300x196

Whether you receive a mass-produced or handcrafted card, it’s still heartwarming to be remembered on Valentine’s Day.

Welcoming 2016!

Welcoming 2016!

“And now we welcome the New Year.  Full of things that have never been.”

Rainer Maria Rilke

Wishing you peace, prosperity, and joy in the coming year!

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!


We wish you a merry Christmas!


FirstchristmascardDid you know that the first Christmas cards were created in London in 1843? (shown to the right)  Sir Henry Cole hired John Callcott Horsley to illustrate them.  Two batches of 2,050 cards were printed and they sold for a shilling each.   The sides of the card show scenes of charity and the center shows the extended family making a toast.

Our styles have changed since then, but our sentiments remain the same.


credit to Wikipedia