Ringing in 2017

Ringing in 2017


The new year…a time to celebrate the possibilities and opportunities awaiting us in 2017.  Whatever you choose to do with your new year, we wish you success!

Thanksgiving Wishes

Thanksgiving Wishes


Wishing you and your families a beautiful Thanksgiving holiday!

This year, we are thankful in business for the support of our customers.  We could not do this without you!  We are thankful personally for the health of our family, strong friendships, and the warmth and comfort of our home.

Veterans Day

Veterans Day



We pause today to thank our veterans for their service.  Their work has kept us safe and preserved our ideals.  We are grateful for their dedication and sacrifices.

4th of July

4th of July



We will be closed on Monday, July 4th in honor of Independence Day.  We wish you a safe and happy holiday weekend!


If your week is slowing down and you’re ready for a distraction, enjoy some 4th of July trivia…

Why would John Adams think we’re celebrating Independence Day on the wrong day?

Because July 2nd was the date the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia voted to declare independence from Britain.

How many people actually signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4th?

2 people

Which date did most people sign the document?

August 2, 1776


Source: International Business Times  http://www.ibtimes.com/fourth-july-2014-9-trivia-facts-about-independence-day-1616992

Memorial Day

Memorial Day



On Memorial Day, we pause to remember the men and women who served our country and lost their lives.  We also give thanks to our veterans and active duty members for their service and defense of our freedom.  We raise our flag with pride and freedom because of their dedication.

“They fell, but o’er their glorious grave.

Floats free the banner of the cause they died to save.”

Francis Marion Crawford


This Memorial Day weekend, wave your American flags with pride and enjoy the company of your friends and family as you celebrate our nation’s heroes and pastimes.